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Butler, Nancy E.; Ekdahl, MurielAlguns Pontos Salientes sobre a Fonologia e Gramática da Língua Terêna1980Linguistics
Ekdahl, Muriel1 Texto Terêna “O Bate-Pau”1977Arquivo LingüísticoLinguistics
Lili, CantídioInâ turixóvo Pânana2004Linguistics
Perkins, MurielItopo’kixokonoe! 71960
Butler, Nancy E.; Ekdahl, MurielAprenda Terena Vol. 22014Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Butler, Nancy E.; Ekdahl, MurielYúhaʼikaavo ûti 1-31968
Cartilha Terena 121959
Zanézokai, João; Nambikwár, Jonatas; Nuimbá, Pedro Paulo; Raimundo, Milton; Kayabí, Tamaná; Nambikuara, Samuel; Parecis, Nelson; Rikbaktsa, Pakai; Caiaua, FernandoJornal dos grupos indígenas, No. 21975
Perkins, MurielVokomomo! 11959
Butler, Nancy E.; Ekdahl, MurielVíhikaxovope yúhoikopea ûti vemóʼu
Eyékoxeaku varututu ra ayuiti itaikoponone ovoe 141960
Vokomomo! 61959
Perkins, MurielVokomomo! 41959
Brito, Rosália; Butler, Nancy E.; Ekdahl, Muriel; Farias, LadislauVúkeaku, uti têrenoe1997
Butler, Nancy E.; Ekdahl, MurielVukápanavo1995
Kixóa yusikea komitike'ko'ivea 171960
Kietzman, Dale WTendências de ordem lexical de aculturação lingüística em Terêna1958Revista de AntropologiaAnthropology
Payne, David LA Classification of Maipuran (Arawakan) Languages Based on Shared Lexical Retentions1991Linguistics
Bendor-Samuel, John TSome problems of segmentation in the phonological analysis of Tereno1960WordLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Doris L. PayneNoun Classification Systems of Amazonian Languages1990Linguistics
Ekdahl, MurielReferents in Terêna1965Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C. and Geoffrey K. Pullum, editorsHandbook of Amazonian Languages, Vol. 31991Linguistics
Wise, Mary RuthValence-Changing Affixes in Maipuran Arawakan Languages1990Linguistics
Bendor-Samuel, John TA structure-function description of Terena phrases1963Canadian Journal of LinguisticsLinguistics