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Popovich, Frances BSocial power and ritual power in Maxakali society1988Anthropology
Dooley, Robert AComponentes semânticos na terminologia de parentesco Guaraní1979Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology, Linguistics
Kietzman, Dale WIndian survival in Brazil1972Anthropology
Olson, Gary PThe Wayãpi - A world in conflict1982Anthropology
Popovich, Frances B.A Revitalização dos Rituais: Uma Forma de Resistência Maxakalí1992Anthropology
Popovich, Frances B.Woman's Role in a Man's Religion: Ritual Practices of the Maxakalí of Minas Gerais1981Anthropology
Landin, Rachel M.Culture Change in an Amazon Tribe1983Anthropology
Southwick, Edward E.; Sheffler, E. MargaretEnvironmental Resource Management on the Mundurukú Savanna1984Anthropology
Aytai, Desidério; Fortune, David L.Denominações de Cores na Língua Karajá1988Anthropology, Linguistics
Tobler, Alfred W.; Tobler, S. JoyKaripuna Anthropology Notes1976Anthropology
Jackson, EvelynThe manufacture, value and use of salt among the Waurá Amerindians in its historical context1982Anthropology
Nascimento, Neli Ferreira doThe Maxakalí project: an experience in applied anthropology1983Anthropology
Derbyshire, Desmond CTopic Continuity and OVS Order in Hixkaryana1986Anthropology, Linguistics
Harrison, Carl H.A Forma Lingüística de uma Teoria Folclórica dos kamaiurás1977Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology, Linguistics
Landin, David J.Instrumentos de Pedra Karitiâna1977Anthropology
Landin, David J.Karitiana Stone Implements1977Anthropology
Roberto, FilipeKinship Terms in Tikuna1960Anthropology
Mattos, Rinaldo deInformações Gerais sobre os Xerente1978Anthropology
Kietzman, Dale WFactors favoring ethnic survival1977Anthropology
Taylor, John M. and Audrey TaylorNove contos contados pelos kaiwás e guaranis1966Revista de AntropologiaAnthropology
Wheatley, JamesPeasantization process among the Kura (Bakairi)1979Anthropology
Kura (Bakairi) Agriculture and Economics1968Anthropology
Smith, MaryApinayé Kinship System1965Arquivo LingüísticoAnthropology
Frikel, ProtásioA mitologia solar e a filosofia de vida dos indios kaxúyana1971Anthropology
Campbell, Barbara; Campbell, RobertBehavior Controls and Means of Influence in Jamamadí Society1984Anthropology
Kietzman, Dale WTendências de ordem lexical de aculturação lingüística em Terêna1958Revista de AntropologiaAnthropology
Wiesemann, UrsulaTime distinctions in Kaingáng1974Zeitschrift für EthnologieAnthropology
Landin, Rachel MNature and culture in four Karitiana legends1985Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
Weiss, Helga EKayabí (Tupian) kinship terminology1985Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
Chapman, ShirleyProblems in Paumarí acculturation1985Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
Kietzman, Dale WIndians and culture areas of twentieth century Brazil1967Anthropology
Headland, Thomas NWhen did the epidemic begin?2001Anthropology NewsAnthropology
Wiesemann, UrsulaPurification among the Kaingáng Indians today1970Zeitschrift für EthnologieAnthropology
Bontkes, Carolyn and William R. MerrifieldOn Surui (Tupian) social organization1985Publications in EthnographyAnthropology
Moran, Emilio FDeforestation in the Brazilian Amazon1996Anthropology
Derbyshire, Desmond CReview of: Carib-speaking Indians: Culture, Society and Language1979LinguisticsAnthropology, Linguistics
Sheffler, E. MargaretSome cultural correlates for Galatians1985Notes on TranslationAnthropology, Translation
Murphy, Isabel IEthnography as a teaching tool1986Notes on TranslationAnthropology
Koehn, Sally SComponentes semânticos do sistema apalaí de parentesco1987Anthropology
Fortune, David L. and Gretchen FortuneKarajá literacy acquisition and sociocultural effects on a rapidly changing culture1987Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural DevelopmentAnthropology, Literacy and Education
Sheffler, E. MargaretFolk society and cultural change on the Mundurukú savannah1975Arquivos de Anatomia e AntropologiaAnthropology
Gudschinsky, Sarah C., editorEstudos sôbre línguas e culturas indígenas: Trabalhos linguísticos realizados no Brasil (edição especial)1971Anthropology, Linguistics
Green, David; Green, DianaA Topological Mindset: the integration of Palikur object concepts, language, art, and culture2023Anthropology, Linguistics
Green, DianaA Circle Has No Corners: Topological perceptions in the Palikur language2023Anthropology, Linguistics