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Lowe, IvanAn algebraic theory of pronominal reference, part III: Applications to three participant conversations1974SemioticaLinguistics
Kroeker, Menno HThematic linkage in Nambiquara narrative1972Linguistics
Crowell, Thomas HCohesion in Bororo discourse1973LinguisticsLinguistics
Campbell, BarbaraRepetition in Jamamadí discourse1986SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Moore, Barbara J. and Gail L. FranklinBreves notícias da língua Maku-Hupda1979Ensaios LingüísticosLinguistics
Campbell, BarbaraRepetição no discurso jamamadí1987Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Boswood, JoanAlgumas funções de participante nas orações rikbaktsa1974Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Campbell, RobertMarcadores de fonte de informação na língua jamamadí1977Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Waller, Helen EA conjunção nhũm na narrativa apinajé1976Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Dobson, Rose MRepetição em kayabí1976Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Aberdour, CatherineReferential devices in Apurinã discourse1985Linguistics
Rowan, OrlandEstrutura discursiva parecis1977Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CHishkaryana (Carib) syntax structure I: Word1961International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics
Sheffler, E. MargaretMundurukú discourse1978SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Moore, Barbara JSome discourse features of Hupda Macu1977SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Rowan, OrlandSome features of Paressi discourse structure1972Anthropological LinguisticsLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CDiscourse redundancy in Hixkaryana1977International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics
Dooley, Robert A. and Harold G. GreenAspectos verbais e categorias discursivas da língua palikur1977Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Boswood, JoanCitações no discurso narrativo da língua rikbaktsa1974Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Stout, Mickey and Ruth ThomsonKayapó narrative1971International Journal of American LinguisticsLinguistics