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Koehn, Sally S.Apalaí Verb Structure2009Linguistics
Koehn, Edward H.The Apalaí Phrase2009Linguistics
Koehn, Sally S.Gramática Pedagógica Apalaí1990Linguistics
Gudschinsky, Sarah CTagmemic analysis of units which combine verbal and non-verbal components1966Linguistics
Koehn, Edward H.; Koehn, Sally S.Notes on the Apalaí Language1964Linguistics
Koehn, Edward H.; Koehn, Sally S.Notas sobre a língua Apalaí1964Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond C.; Pullum, Geoffrey K.Preliminary bibliography of Northern Carib1978Library/Museum/Archiving, Linguistics
Koehn, Sally S.Processes and roles in Apalaí clause structure1974Linguistics
Koehn, Edward H.Bound Person Markers of the Apalaí Verb Phrase2009Linguistics