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Shelden, HowardComments on a phonetic orthography for computers1982Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Dooley, Robert AReview of: Speech act theory and pragmatics, John R. Searle and others, editors1983Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Lowe, Ivan and David MeechHelp yourself phonetically1970Linguistics
Eberhard, DavidMamaindê grammar: a northern Nambikwara language and its cultural context2009LOT dissertationsLinguistics
Koop, GordonDení Person Affixes2008Linguistics
Dooley, Robert A.Elementos Iniciais de Período na Língua Guarani do Brasil2008Linguistics
Campbell, RobertVerification in Jamamadi Quotations2008Linguistics
Chapman, ShirleyPaumarí Derivational Affixes2008Linguistics
Koehn, Sally S.Apalaí Verb Structure2009Linguistics
Nicholson, VeldaInitiating and non-initiating verbs in Assuriní2008Linguistics
Nicholson, VeldaOrdem Frasal de Cláusulas na Língua Asurini2008Linguistics
Popjes, Jack; Popjes, JosephinePhonemic Statement of Canela2009Linguistics
Koop, Gordon; Koop, LoisDicionário Deni-Português2008Linguistics
Koehn, Edward H.The Apalaí Phrase2009Linguistics
Dooley, Robert A.Apontamentos Preliminares sobre Ñandéva Guaraní Contemporâneo2008Linguistics
Campbell, Barbara; Campbell, RobertJamamadí Preliminary Phonemic Statement2009Linguistics
Jefferson, KathleenSemantic Clause Analysis in Focus for Learning Kayapó2009Linguistics
Wheatley, JamesBakairi Phonemics2009Linguistics
Rowan, OrlandHigh Level Phonology of Parecis2010Linguistics
Pease, HelenParintintin Grammar2007Linguistics
Pease, HelenJuma-Parintintín Similarities2009Language Assessment, Linguistics
Bontkes, CarolynTentative Observations of Morphophonemic Changes in the Verbs and the Possessed Nouns of Suruí2009Linguistics
Chapman, ShirleyProminence in Paumarí2008Linguistics
Chapman, Shirley; Odmark, Mary AnnPaumarí Morpho-Phonemics2009Linguistics
Chapman, Shirley; Odmark, Mary AnnPaumarí Phonemic Statement2009Linguistics
Hall, JoanXavante Noun Phrases and Morpheme Classes2009Linguistics
Wiesemann, UrsulaDicionário Kaingang-Português Português-Kaingang2011Linguistics
Crofts, MarjorieMust tone always be written in a tonal language?1976The Bible TranslatorLinguistics, Literacy and Education
Crofts, MarjorieTo abridge or not?1976Notes on TranslationLinguistics
Kroeker, Menno HResponse of the translation helper to direct questions1976Notes on TranslationLinguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CAnother kind of ‘hearsay particle’—in Hixkaryana (Brazil)1978Notes on TranslationLinguistics
Campbell, BarbaraRepetition in Jamamadí discourse1986SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Bendor-Samuel, David, editorTupi studies 11971SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Landin, Rachel MHigher-level conjunctions in Karitiâna1986SIL International Publications in LinguisticsLinguistics
Griffiths, GlyndwrWH—movement in Kadiwéu1991Linguistics
Callow, John CampbellThe Apinayé language: Phonology and grammar1962Linguistics
Derbyshire, Desmond CHixkaryana syntax1979Linguistics
Vogel, Alan, compilerJarawara – English dictionary2006Linguistics
Stout, Mickey and Ruth ThomsonModalidade em kayapó1974Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Landin, David JAs orações karitiâna1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Moore, Barbara J. and Gail L. FranklinBreves notícias da língua Maku-Hupda1979Ensaios LingüísticosLinguistics
Kakumasu, James YGramática gerativa preliminar da língua urubú1976Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Dooley, Robert ALéxico Guarani, dialeto Mbyá com informações úteis para o ensino médio, a aprendizagem e a pesquisa lingüística2006Linguistics
Harrison, Alec JXavante morphology and respect/intimacy relationships2001Anthropology, Linguistics
Kakumasu, James Y., compiler, and othersDicionário por tópicos Kaapor - Português2007Linguistics
Butler, Nancy EvelynThe multiple functions of the definite article in Terena2003Linguistics
Campbell, BarbaraRepetição no discurso jamamadí1987Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Sheldon, Steven NOs sufixos verbais múra-piraha1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Boswood, JoanAlgumas funções de participante nas orações rikbaktsa1974Série LingüísticaLinguistics
Chapman, ShirleyInterrogativos paumarí1988Série LingüísticaLinguistics