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Dooley, Robert AReview of: Speech act theory and pragmatics, John R. Searle and others, editors1983Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Dooley, Robert ASpatial deixis in Guaraní1983Ciência e CulturaLinguistics
Leutkmeyer, Jean, Caroline Van Antwerp, and Gloria E. KindellBibliography of spoken and written language1983Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Dooley, Robert AGrammaticalization: An introduction1983Notes on LinguisticsLinguistics
Landin, David J., compilerDicionário e léxico karitiâna/português1983Linguistics
Jore, Cheryl; Jore, DanielYahup Maku Dictionary1983Linguistics
Jore, Cheryl; Jore, DanielYahup Maku Text 4: Trip to the Zoo1983Linguistics
Jore, Cheryl; Jore, DanielYahup Maku Text 2: How to Make Beijú1983Linguistics
Jore, Cheryl; Jore, DanielYahup Maku Text 3: Going to Get Palha1983Linguistics
Jore, Cheryl; Jore, DanielYahup Maku Text 1: Building a Mud House1983Linguistics
Jore, Cheryl; Jore, DanielYahup Maku Text 5: Hunting Anta1983Linguistics
Jore, Cheryl; Jore, DanielYahup Maku Text 6: New Village on Ira1983Linguistics
Jore, Cheryl; Jore, DanielYahup Maku Text 7: How to Make Paꞌduh1983Linguistics
Crowell, JanetGRAMÁTICA PEDAGÓGICA BORÔRO1983Linguistics
Chapman, ShirleyGramática Pedagógica Paumarí1983Language and Culture Learning, Linguistics
Rowan, OrlandTextos em Haliti (Parecis) I1983Linguistics
Everett, Daniel LA língua pirahã e a teoria da sintaxe: Descrição, perspectivas e teoria1983Linguistics
Everett, Daniel LA gramática dos genes1983Ciência IlustradaLinguistics